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Gentrification is the word.

Hard to believe my first climb up Calumet St. was two years ago - especially considering how much the neighborhood has changed since. Gardens are sprouting in front yards, four new apartments have emerged on my street since December and bbq’s can be smelled and heard every summer night (actually, my neighbor bbq’s on his porch in the winter too!). My point is - MISSION HILL should officially be rid of its bad rap. Yes, slums are still around, and yes, they have been carefully been edited out of this post – but it is clear that this neighborhood is reaching a refreshing level of charm and is full of noteworthy architecture, eye-catching (and
 still tasteful) paint colors and beautiful landscapes, stoops and doors. Resession phewf! Comforting to know some places/people/things are moving forward. 

See below for some of The Hill's perks - New England Victorian features (great bay-windows, tall towers, dormers!), plum and mustard (the colors!) successfully used together without looking like a bruise, thoughtfully decorative porches, intricate architectural details and views of the prudential building!

When September 1 arrives, I’m sure a post on JAMAICA PLAIN will shortly follow – most likely highlighting the smell of incense, organic cafĂ©’s and momma’s pushing strollers. I will miss 02120 and suggest everyone climb The Hill and enjoy the scenery at least once in their Boston residency! 

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