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Near blueberry fields and fiddle-head groves, in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, MAINE, hammer (and table saw and power drill and paintbrush, etc etc) in hand, my father is working. A new house is sprouting deep in the woods and I am on the effortless end, missing all the hard work, but seeing the photographs morph. 
SO! Right now, I am introducing the first finished hunk of the project and paying homage to my dad - I am so proud of his hard work (doing everything himself) and very impressed with his improved design aesthetic (it only took 60 years!).

One of his design principles is "rarely buy new" (maybe this his budget rather than principle). At any rate, look what you can do with scraps of wood, stoves from craigslist and yes... things found on the side of the road. Plus, don't you feel a sense of pride when living amongst objects which you have bought back to life? Obviously his principles have rubbed off on me.

My dad has always gushed over the pantry rational. Let's just say, if 2012 hits with a Mayan blow... I know we'll be hungry-free for a few months.

He says none of the cans are past expiration date. Woo-hoo, GO DAD!

Below is a picture of my favorite pantry to date! I saw it in COUNTRY LIVING a few years ago and haven't forgotten it. I love the exterior door used inside, unique hardware and bright colors!

And here's a little list I created, compiling from Martha, Giada and food blogs. 

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